Saturday, March 12, 2011


It’s all around us- in the lecture halls, in buses, in hospitals, in homes…even in our churches!   Dresses that are not supposed to be elongated are abused hence rendering the back portion slightly longer than the front. Our eyes are constantly fed with disgusting sights. All conscious efforts you make at avoiding them turn out to be futile because the moment you are able to surmount one of them, there lies another staring at you with a greater “promising” invitation than the previous.
The erroneous mindset of our dear sisters about FASHION has caused and is still causing a great amount of havoc in society. The beauty we behold in front is enough to convince us that God actually took His time to mould you, but is it necessary for this fact to be counteracted by the hazards we are exposed to at the lower backs?
Full description cannot be given to all the shapes, sizes and colours of supposed “hidden underwears” we always see with unaided eyes! I can foresee a day when we will be forced to come to terms with the original state of creation…the credit goes to all females who in their own small ways are propelling this!
Why try to be a hypocrite when you know very well that the dress you are wearing is skimpy and it is likely to expose your lower back when you sit or try to get down from a vehicle?
Who ever said we are not sick and tired of all these disgraceful sights that tend to convey the message that the female character is one of diminishing decency and morality? We appreciate beauty when it is simple, natural, amazing, unadulterated, convincing and long-lasting!

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