Monday, March 16, 2015

Daring, crazy, psycho, chatterbox, sweet, lively, juicy gossip, focused, ambitious, beautiful, chocolate colored, ‘naughty’ bug, fun and annoying to be with, bitter-sweet…so many qualities she’s got J
She is elegant and full of life…Yes, that’s my sweet friend, my break- my- neck lady, my chatting partner and my…afraid to disappoint wife. She is that sweet one who wouldn’t let you rest until she understands why you want to rest!  Can you imagine that? Lol

To her, life is not to be taken so tightly thereby winding up oneself for no reason. She therefore laughs at the least opportunity and her well-arranged set of teeth add a radiant splendor to that. Laughter is medicine so she could be described as one of the greatest physicians I have around me. I feel blessed.

She walks with shoulders high, knows her class and does not compromise on quality. Her sense of style is ubiquitous because she always moves with the trends. Decency is her prime word and her profession also adds a touch of color to that. Notwithstanding her young age, she could pass as a certified counsellor in any field!

Emotions have a very great bearing on her and containing those are her fights. No one is perfect but being aware of one’s flaws is a conscious effort she makes and trying to overcome those shortcomings are her targets. That alone is enough to induce positive feeling in anyone around her.

Being stuck in a rut of ceremonialism isn’t her thing so she constantly looks for opportunities to upgrade herself, striving for greater achievements and never looking back despite unfavourable conditions. She’s an educated 21st century woman full of zeal and that has kept her going all this while.That’s the way to go girl and I wish you all the very best.

I have gained much knowledge about her in recent times and I miss her very much.

This piece is just to let you know that you are special. Happy birthday sweetheart…I wish you the very best!

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