Friday, February 25, 2011


I will not walk this road again because I have a very strong urge not to.
From now on, whenever I am tempted to look back, I will always remember LAZINESS who was my very close friend. He taught me how to postpone activities that I could have finished within minutes. As though that was not enough, he also taught me how to lie in bed, daydreaming about unrealistic events!
Another friend that I can never forget about is MEDIOCRITY. He coached me and gave me tips on how to haphazardly do my work and run off to attend to irrelevant issues. Ideally, I would have been the best student in the TIME MISMANAGEMENT course save the few moments I had to be at church.
Notwithstanding the fact that I had friends, my social life was a mess because SHYNESS taught me how to hide behind people and make waste of all my communication skills and talents.
IRRESPONSIBILITY was my favorite lecturer. He was the very one who lectured me on how to identify my position and role in society and give no thought to carrying them out. He made me believe that I was answerable to no one and that freedom was all around me, anytime, anywhere.
NOTORIETY was a close relative who brainwashed me and made me accept the erroneous fact that my popularity was at stake unless I engaged myself in activities that contradicted societal norms.
My right-hand man was IDLENESS. He always ceased every opportunity to tell me that I am delicate and that any activity that I might engage myself in would turn out to be a Herculean task!
FEAR was always lurking at every bend of the road I took. He constantly reminded me of the lion’s roar especially when I found myself alone on the road.
Putting the right foot forward at any time was an afterthought to me until I came to the turning point. I now  have a very strong conviction that I have discovered my substance and that all friends, relatives, lecturers and the likes who affected my life in one way or the other on that road are all forgotten like the ruins of an ancient city.
I have rued all the time I spent walking on that road but now, I am glad my life has bounced back in all totality.     

Monday, February 14, 2011


Do you picture an alien when looking at a fellow human being? That could be so unfair and unkind because all normal human beings have the same physical features. The slight differences come in due to the shape, size and colour of some of these features.
Our psychological make ups are the main differentiating factors between us, human beings. In reasoning, we show the diversity in nature. In speech and actions, we reveal our thoughts. Love, sympathy, anger and hatred just to mention but a few are qualities every human being possesses and their effects are felt depending on how we relate to others. The above mentioned qualities are perfect when displayed in the perfect situations. You can’t for instance keep smiling when someone is intentionally causing you to suffer pain!
A lot could be read into you depending on how you present yourself. Do you always have to wear that scary frown? What about that charming smile of yours that melts stony hearts?
Your physical appearance also says volumes about you. A person could be described as being neat, disorganized, dirty, old-fashioned or trendy etc. based on his or her appearance.
Like oxygen and carbon dioxide, the physical and the psychological make ups of an individual work hand in hand to actually bring out the true identity of that individual.
Our human nature can be compared with the times and seasons in that they all have a constant tendency to change. We are able to adapt to contemporary situations due to our nature. Our lifestyles are shaped in one way or the other by these changes but our original qualities still remain intact- that is the beauty and complexity of NATURE.
Now, on a more serious note, do you have to judge a fellow human being by his or her physical look? If yes, give it a second thought. If no, why?